Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Quilts for Lucy's Friends!

I got the second  quilt finished for Lucy's friends.  It is the shoo-fly quilt.  I love these loud colors.  I had to get my sewing machine cleaned and serviced, so I had a little bit of a slow down on getting it finished. Also, I had to take some time to sew some quick Christmas presents for other friends . . . . and then when it came to getting the binding done, I could not remember which fabric I had decided to use for that, . . . so I used the new fabric I bought at Nancy's Quilt Garage in November, and it so rocks!  If I had not been slow to finish, it would not have turned out the way it has.  Love love both of these quilts!
Here I am posing with my latest creations.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Shoo Fly Fun!

I have been working diligently on my Shoo Fly quilt.  I am just finishing up on the sashing.  I love these colors!  My problem is I have to decide if I will stitch in-the-ditch or do stippling for the actual quilting part.  Maybe I should practice my stippling . . .  You know, I think I may have made a shoo fly quilt before . . . perhaps a hideous pink quilt.  I will have to think about this some more and try a churn dash or something next time.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Three New Quilts in the Works!

I have been seriously neglecting my blog.  It has been a busy year!  I am getting back into paying more attention to my blog.  I have three quilts I am working on and another in my head.  I had some little pile of pre-cut layer- cake blocks, that I am using as the basis for this shoo fly quilt.  It is soooooo busy, I decided I need to put sashing between the blocks.  Here is a photo of how it looks on my friend's design wall right now.  I will add some big plaid sashing after I finish sewing those last four blocks together.

Oh, yes. Four plus five equal nine. I got four done,
so I have five left to sew together.