Good morning! I went to have tea with Astrid this morning, and she was busy pinning and sewing broken dishes blocks for her Dutch quilt. Broken dishes blocks are also called hourglass or bow tie blocks. Most quilt blocks have more than one name, as different localities name them separately. That was back in the old days.
We have a friend who gave us some old quilting magazines, and Astrid found the article and pattern, for the Dutch quilt, in one of them. It was from December of 2004. If you have followed our blog much, you should know that Astrid likes making quilts that reflect the heritages of different countries. She has done quilts for Japan, Scotland, and Ireland. I may have missed one, but you can look at older posts and see for yourself.
Once she gets all those blocks pieced, pressed, and squared up, her quilt should go pretty fast!